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EP 003 - Ultimate Guide To Setting Goals

It's hard to start a New Year without giving some thought to goals, whether you like setting them or not. In fact, you may be somewhere on the fence with the new year upon us. In fact, you could be adamantly against setting goals, or resolutions for changes this year. But the truth is, unless you are right where you want to be; happy and content with what you have, what you’re doing and how you go through life -then it’s probably the perfect time to take charge and line up some healthy new habits for the new year. Or maybe just ditch a few of the old unhealthy ones?

Even as a coach I’ve avoided the proverbial “reset” button in years past thinking I wanted to avoid the ho hum none sense that everyone else was participating in. Looking back now, I think it was more of a matter of complacency, or even possibly laziness. I’ve always wanted to be the fish who swims against the current, but not a wise choice to resist positive change “just for the fact that others are too.”

Why not take full advantage of a new year? Regardless of if you made it big and finished the year in a great spot, or if you have long way to go to get back on track, there’s really no better time to start taking steps forward.

The very things that became failures last year, may be the exact things that propel you to your success this year, so don’t be afraid to jump in and take action. Join me as I take you on a journey to prepare, execute, and achieve!

Before you sit down with your pen and paper, or more likely your iphone and notepad app, I want you to begin to shift your mindset. (and I HIGHLY encourage you to use pen and paper method).

Choosing big lofty goals is enticing, and although we really may want to become the next ‘self made trillionaire’, it may not be the most appropriate or logically chosen goal. So, let’s start by writing out your goals and game plan for achieving. Let’s break it down into steps, and take some time to reflect on 2018 and where it took you. Prepare to give raw, authentic and unfiltered answers - it will only benefit you more on this journey.

Where did you end up - is it where you want to be?

Are you happy in your life, and with those you surround yourself with?

What did you achieve this year - was it a goal you set or happenstance?

Are you excited about the things you do or are a part of?

What was your biggest lesson(s) of 2018? (you can add multiple)

What are you the most thankful for? (you can add multiple)

The importance of taking inventory of where you are now, and what you have or haven’t accomplished will be a major catalyst in the things you focus on and cultivate in the New Year.

No more emotionally driven or guilt enticed goal setting. Take time to consider what you want to accomplish and focus on to get yourself to your sweet spot:

What do you really want to create in your life?

How do you want to feel?

What do you want to achieve?

Why is that list, and those things important to you?

How will you feel when you achieve them?

How will it change your life?

I highly recommend being detailed, and spending a lot of time in this area, because let me reassure you, if you don’t have an idea of what you want, and more importantly WHY you want it, you won’t make it to the finish line.

Your progress doesn’t have to be perfect, or happen on the first go. In fact, if you find it easy to achieve you may not be tapping into your full potential. Smashing goals should be work, and should definitely test your will to succeed. Over time you will have to reassess, and refocus and that will mean picking yourself up and coming back to this outline. Expect it, and accept it.

Often times we set goals driven off frustration, expectation, and comparison of where we feel we “should be”. These kind of goals and perceptions can lead to major dysfunction, stress, and overwhelm in turn resulting into a whole lot of resistance on your part.

There may be goals running onto this years plate that you have been packing around for quite some time. You may even be provoked to re evaluate the list that you just created to ensure the goals, and focus you plan to give this year are true to your wants and desires. Don’t let your goals be driven by deceptive desires to be something other than your best you.

Chances are that you ended up with several things left on the “I want to accomplish list” or items that seem to just lend them self to the next “to do list”. Remove anything that will dilute your true goals, and focus - at least for now, you can add it back later if it remains a focus for you.

Although life is busy, and there will always be more on the “to do” than “done” list, don’t overfill your plate with more than what is needed to find your success. The rest will serve as clutter and become a major hurdle in making progress. You can always add more goals once you have achieved the initial ones you set.

You should go into the new year, and new goals, knowing ahead of time that you will eventually stumble, and bump your head. Persistence, and effort will pay off in the end.

Now that you have began to outline what you want to achieve, and where you want to end up, it’s time to make your roadmap to that place. Consider it your navigation.

Now that you have a good idea of the things you truly want to achieve take control and make a plan to make it happen and produce forward momentum.

On the top of a piece of paper write out, in bold, your goal - I’ll use one of mine as an example.

‘Help My Kids Reach Their Potential and LOVE Their Lives’

Under that specific goal write down what that looks like:

-learning new things weekly

-getting good grades

-giving back to others

-attending community events

-building relationships

-letting loose and being silly

-practicing new skills

-focus on physical outlets 3x /wk

-make nutrition important

-spending uninterrupted time as a family

*That list can grow as you progress, so keep this paper and leave a little space to add to it.

Then, under the concepts above write down ideas and goals:

-choose a weekly or bi monthly “skill” to learn as a family

-schedule in time to quiet the house and allow everyone to learn together, and support one another

-find items that can be donated or given to those in need, and allow the kids to know where those items end up

-invite friends over, and host get togethers


This area can be used as a calendar as well. Try thinking ahead and choosing events specifically based on the goals and desires you are outlining, then schedule them in. If you have goals to improve your health and fitness write down what you want to achieve, i.e. losing ten pounds by your birthday, or running your first race - get specific!

Repeat these steps for each of your goals, and have an individual sheet of paper with these details listed. Remember the more detailed you become, and the more attention you give to these areas the more likely you are to make progress and cultivate big things for yourself.

Take time, distraction free, to consider the year ahead. Time will continue to pass no matter what you are doing with it… So, ask yourself what will be harder? The pain and disappointment of staying where you are, or making changes and heading in a different direction? If that decision isn’t clear you may need to reconsider the goals you are trying to achieve.

Yes, it will take effort. Yes, you will be tested. Yes... you will reap the benefits of the effort you give. If you lack motivation, it’s time you create it. Build on it, and surround yourself with like minded people. Become the encourager, and leader you need in your life both for yourself and for others. Sharing an encouraging word, positive outlook and compliments along the way will create a positive desire inside you. 2019 is going to be the year you impress yourself.

Although you may not be convinced yet, you do have what it takes, but it is going to take your effort, positive energy, and a plan. I believe in you, it's time for you to believe in you too.

Staying accountable is one of the bigger hurdles that you'll face while working to achieve new things. It is one thing to take initial action, but then over time things begin to get in the way, or you may lose motivation for the goals you set. Having a plan in place before you get to this spot will be the difference between failure and success.

Using a calendar to track your daily progress and effort will be a useful tool in keeping tabs on yourself. Everyday that you work toward your goal or take one of the actionable steps you just listed I want you to mark the day off on a calendar with a big X. We are going to reflect and use this calendar often so having it somewhere you can see it often is the best choice.

You got in a short but fierce workout - mark an X.

You stayed on track with your nutrition, and did your meal prep - mark an X.

You spent that uninterrupted time together as a family - yup, mark it off!

You put an extra $20 in your savings account - give it an X.

Any step that you take in the RIGHT DIRECTION is a great step, be sure to celebrate it, and keep the momentum moving forward.

It's imperative that you keep in the front of your mind that this is a journey... it is not an instantaneous plan to end up at your goals overnight. As long as you are willing to keep making healthy choices, and focusing on the end goal you will create the success you are after!

Time to let those "big ideas" come to life! If you have questions, or want information on custom coaching contact me here. I would be happy to make your 2019 Goals my 2019 Goals!

This episode is sponsored by Nutrition Realigned, a holistic health approach that takes you to the top. If you're feeling over stressed, constantly fatigued, and not like your best self, it's time to reevaluate your nutrition, and learn how to fuel to optimize your health. Head over to Nutrition Realigned and make a plan to reach your health and fitness goals. Click the contact us form for more information or use code "HERINSPIRED" for 20% off at checkout.

Here is your free blank Progress Calendar.

67 views2 comments


Aimee Burnett-Hartwig
Aimee Burnett-Hartwig
Feb 16, 2019

Great advice Courtney! Setting goals is an important part of accomplishing our dreams. Sometimes it can get frustrating and difficult to stay on task especially if you have setbacks along the way. Having grace for yourself when you fail or falter is an important part of the journey. So much great advice in this podcast!!


Caroline Childers
Caroline Childers
Feb 11, 2019

I have definitely been enjoying your podcasts. This one got me. I've heard some of these tips before but I think you give the why behind it, the reality behind it and the best way accomplish goals. I really appreciate this blog and podcast. Thank you!

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